Training & Development

“What Got You Here Won’t Get You There”

—Marshall Goldsmith

We strongly believe that an employee is an asset to the organization, they are the torch bearers of the organization’s culture. They help in building the organization from within. In today’s rapidly changing business environment, leadership & their teams need to evolve more quickly than ever to identify and take advantage of opportunities. As each individual & their aspiration are different their personality and developmental needs are also different, it cannot be a one size fits all solution. To make decisions more quickly, improve collaboration, and fuel cultures built on shared purpose & values, leaders must learn to increase their awareness around the beliefs that are holding them back and make a practice of moving beyond their blocks. These are skills that can’t simply be taught. For us, leadership development is a journey that unlocks the potential of an individual and enhances his performance.

‘COACH’ Training for Managers

We all agree that every manager is expected to be a coach to their team. Though it is rare that a manager is trained on how to coach effectively. This often leads to a manger being a glorified executioner, passing orders from top management to their teams or in an extreme case, being a bully, using their position to push their team to do what they think is right. Most managers are also confused between the concepts of coaching, mentoring vs. consulting. A handful of them truly understand that an outstanding manager plays a balanced role of all the three and understands which aspect should be played up when and how. While mentoring and consulting are industry, organization or function specific, coaching is universal. The truth is that coaching is the key to becoming a good mentor and a consultant.

At Businessync, we deeply believe in merits of effective coaching. We understand, that Coaching like any other leadership skill, needs to be developed upon. In fact, we believe that this is the first and the most important skill that a manager needs to build. This skill is the doorway to developing all other managerial & leadership skills, like conflict management, negotiations, dynamic communication, emotional intelligence and many other skills including work life balance for the manager and his/her teams. This skill also helps in synchronizing teams and their values with organization’s values leading to consistent achievement of deliverables.

This power packed training program helps in developing effective and efficient managerial skills, that are sustainable and transferable.

‘COACH’ Training for Managers

We would all agree that every manager is expected to be a coach to their team. Though it is rare that a manager is trained on how to coach effectively. This often leads to a manger being a glorified executioner, passing orders from top management to their teams or in an extreme case, being a bully, using their position to push their team to do what they think is right. Most managers are also confused between the concepts of coaching, mentoring vs. consulting. A handful of them truly understand that an outstanding manager plays a balanced role of all the three and understands which aspect should be played up when and how. While mentoring and consulting are industry, organization or function specific, coaching is universal. The truth is that coaching is the key to becoming a good mentor and a consultant.

At Businessync, we deeply believe in merits of effective coaching. We understand, that Coaching like any other leadership skill, needs to be developed upon. In fact, we believe that this is the first and the most important skill that a manager needs to build. This skill is the doorway to developing all other managerial & leadership skills, like conflict management, negotiations, dynamic communication, emotional intelligence and many other skills including work life balance for the manager and his/her teams. This skill also helps in synchronizing teams and their values with organization’s values leading to consistent achievement of deliverables.

This power packed training program helps in developing effective and efficient managerial skills, that are sustainable and transferable.

Leadership Training

Every individual is a leader, but the true leader is the one who delicately balances the organization’s needs, motivates the team for optimal performance, and serves the customer with zero compromise. Navigating the increasing challenges and complexities facing businesses today requires leaders who remain true to their personal values, can promote change and remain true to the organizations core purpose. An effective leader is able to move through this matrix of business in a swift manner, whether aligning the team towards the core purpose or increasing team engagement for achieving the organization’s audacious goals and also contributing towards organization’s success.

At Businessync we understand that each individual is different and his situation is unique, hence we follow the process of self-awareness. We help leaders discover their own capabilities and then build on those. Our self-awareness process helps in understanding and awakening each leader’s gifts. We see development as a critical component of improving individual’s strategic & executional capabilities. Our customized development work is tightly linked to organizational evolutions & changes – it can be cultural or strategic, based on the need. Our leadership programs address enhancing leader’s knowledge, skills, competencies alongside an enhanced conscious thought, that helps leaders in unlocking their hidden potential. We focus on helping leaders explore through their own development journey so that they become aware, reflective, mature and in the process become better individuals and even better leaders.

Leadership Training

Every individual is a leader, but the true leader is the one who delicately balances the organization’s needs, motivates the team for optimal performance, and serves the customer with zero compromise. Navigating the increasing challenges and complexities facing businesses today requires leaders who remain true to their personal values, can promote change and remain true to the organizations core purpose. An effective leader is able to move through this matrix of business in a swift manner, whether aligning the team towards the core purpose or increasing team engagement for achieving the organization’s audacious goals and also contributing towards organization’s success.

At Businessync we understand that each individual is different and his situation is unique, hence we follow the process of self-awareness. We help leaders discover their own capabilities and then build on those. Our self-awareness process helps in understanding and awakening each leader’s gifts. We see development as a critical component of improving individual’s strategic & executional capabilities. Our customized development work is tightly linked to organizational evolutions & changes – it can be cultural or strategic, based on the need. Our leadership programs address enhancing leader’s knowledge, skills, competencies alongside an enhanced conscious thought, that helps leaders in unlocking their hidden potential. We focus on helping leaders explore through their own development journey so that they become aware, reflective, mature and in the process become better individuals and even better leaders.

High Potential Leader Training

While every leader may not be a manager, every manager should be a leader. Developing from manager to leader is a learning, un-learning and re-learning process. It takes time, energy, and discipline to improve the way one develops & manages more leadership characteristics on a daily basis.

At Businessync we customize programs for leaders getting ready for their next big step and we work along with them in their journey. Through the journey we analyze what is working and what needs to be changed with respect to that individual’s situation and challenges. Self-awareness is the beginning of our process. We help leaders discover their own capabilities and then build on those. Our self-awareness process helps in understanding and awakening each leader’s gifts. We see development as a critical component of improving individual’s strategic & executional capabilities. Our customized development work is tightly linked to organizational evolutions & changes – it can be cultural or strategic, based on the need. Our leadership programs address enhancing leader’s knowledge, skills, competencies alongside an enhanced conscious thought, that helps leaders in unlocking their hidden potential. We focus on helping leaders explore through their own development journey so that they become aware, reflective, mature and in the process become better individuals and even better leaders.

High Potential Leader Training

While every leader may not be a manager, every manager should be a leader. Developing from manager to leader is a learning, un-learning and re-learning process. It takes time, energy, and discipline to improve the way one develops & manages more leadership characteristics on a daily basis.

At Businessync we customize programs for leaders getting ready for their next big step and we work along with them in their journey. Through the journey we analyze what is working and what needs to be changed with respect to that individual’s situation and challenges. Self-awareness is the beginning of our process. We help leaders discover their own capabilities and then build on those. Our self-awareness process helps in understanding and awakening each leader’s gifts. We see development as a critical component of improving individual’s strategic & executional capabilities. Our customized development work is tightly linked to organizational evolutions & changes – it can be cultural or strategic, based on the need. Our leadership programs address enhancing leader’s knowledge, skills, competencies alongside an enhanced conscious thought, that helps leaders in unlocking their hidden potential. We focus on helping leaders explore through their own development journey so that they become aware, reflective, mature and in the process become better individuals and even better leaders.

Team Work & Conflict Management

Organizations are built by engaging people, where there are people, Conflicts are inevitable; it’s a part of everyday life. Gone unmanaged, it leads to loss of productivity, degradation of trust, increased turnover, losing high potentials and stopping organizational progress in its tracks. The ability to navigate and manage conflict is a powerful and important skill. Whatever the source of conflict may be, personal prejudices, differing interests or eroding personal relationships, it is important to deal with it in a controlled and constructive manner.

At Businessync our methodology starts at the source of conflict, which is, lack of personal self-awareness and empathy. We help individuals become more aware of themselves, their stressors, assumptions, opinions and biases, we guide teams, departments and entire organizations toward achieving an environment of mutual understanding and trust. This understanding creates mutual respect and a common ground for acceptance, conflict resolution and prevention.

Team Work & Conflict Management

Organizations are built by engaging people, where there are people, Conflicts are inevitable; it’s a part of everyday life. Gone unmanaged, it leads to loss of productivity, degradation of trust, increased turnover, losing high potentials and stopping organizational progress in its tracks. The ability to navigate and manage conflict is a powerful and important skill. Whatever the source of conflict may be, personal prejudices, differing interests or eroding personal relationships, it is important to deal with it in a controlled and constructive manner.

At Businessync our methodology starts at the source of conflict, which is, lack of personal self-awareness and empathy. We help individuals become more aware of themselves, their stressors, assumptions, opinions and biases, we guide teams, departments and entire organizations toward achieving an environment of mutual understanding and trust. This understanding creates mutual respect and a common ground for acceptance, conflict resolution and prevention.

Power of Networking

“Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.” ~ Steve Jobs

We all face challenges every day. Should I fire this poor performer? Do I need outside investors? What’s the best way to renegotiate our lease? How do I deal with a conflict with my manager? Even if you trust your gut and have a knack for making smart decisions, you might still lack information, experience or perspective. That’s where a peer network can help.

At Businessync we help create peer network group where there is trust, confidentiality and pure selfless support. The agenda of this group will be nothing but for pure unbiased support towards leader’s growth & helping leaders make better informed decisions.

Power of Networking

“Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.” ~ Steve Jobs

We all face challenges every day. Should I fire this poor performer? Do I need outside investors? What’s the best way to renegotiate our lease? How do I deal with a conflict with my manager? Even if you trust your gut and have a knack for making smart decisions, you might still lack information, experience or perspective. That’s where a peer network can help.

At Businessync we help create peer network group where there is trust, confidentiality and pure selfless support. The agenda of this group will be nothing but for pure unbiased support towards leader’s growth & helping leaders make better informed decisions.

Our approach

Self-awareness is the beginning of our process. We help leaders discover their own capabilities and build on those. Our self-awareness process helps in understanding and awakening each leader’s gifts. We see development as a critical component for improving individual’s strategic & executional capabilities. Our customized development work is tightly linked to organizational evolutions & changes, they can be cultural or strategic focused. Our leadership programs address not only a leader’s knowledge, skills, and competencies, they also enhance a leader’s ability to make their intuitions stronger and conscious in helping them unlock their hidden potential. We focus on helping leaders explore through their own development journey so that they become more aware, reflective, and mature, and therefore better leaders to manage themselves and their teams.


What our clients are saying

I highly recommend Ram as an Executive Coach. He has helped our company learn how to communicate and listen effectively. Moreover, Ram is excellent at understanding what a person or company needed to focus on to achieve their growth. He has set us on the path to sustainable growth. Within a short time of my working with Ram, I have seen my employee production increase through superior communications.
Gary Lindberg
CEO, G.M. Lindberg Construction, Inc.
Ram is a powerful coach. His strength in leading and developing teams positively amplifies his impact in the coaching world. In my partnership with Ram, he guided me to many “moments” that have had a significant impact in my personal and professional life. Through our work together, I’ve been able to clarify my purpose and strengths and direct them effectively into my life. I’ve been impressed with his ability to support my journey with practical words of wisdom from his corporate experience. I use what I’ve learned with him every week.
Karen Scholl
Sr. Director, Global Merchandise Planning, Levi Strauss & co.
I have known Ram for last 20 years now…as a batch mate, as a roommate, as a colleague, as a friend and above all as a mentor. He is a person full of enthusiasm and will drive others to achieve goals through his motivational mentorship. Rarely I have come across a person with such a positive aura which sinks in you from the very moment you interact with him. My learnings through our interactions have been life changing. I’m lucky to have him as my first go to person during times of doubts and for any future planning.
Manish Prasad
Category Head (Ecom) Fawaz Al Hokair Group, Saudi Arabia
The words that sum up Ram’s persona are “Positivity, Dedication & Hard Work”. I have observed that his attitude of finding positivity in all situations has helped him and people around him, professionally and personally. Ram’s social skills and the habit of being non-judgmental helps him connect and bond with people in a very short period of time. I also think these qualities make it easy for one to open up to him and be able to discuss without fear of being judged. I’m sure he will make an impact on all who are associated with him.
Pradeep Pandey
Vice President – Green Leaf IT Consulting
Years of Experiance
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Number of Clients
0 +
Numbers of Coaching Hours
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Repeat Clients
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#1108 Langton Dr, San Ramon, CA, 94582

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